Since 1909
Rademakers Foundry in Klazienaveen is an established name in the foundry world. The company was originally founded in Kralingseveer. In 1909 Mr A. Rademakers founded the Rademakers steel company, which also included the foundry. In 1948 the foundry relocated to the current location in Klazienaveen, which was for that time a very modern and mechanised company.

Products Rademakers Foundry
Rademakers Foundry is a producer of premium grey cast iron products. We work for commissioning parties in various sectors, from the agricultural sector to mechanical engineering and from automotive to foundation technology. The core of our production is our smelting company, where we smelt iron with a hot wind cupola furnace. This is a fully automated process. We have a capacity of a maximum of 11 tonnes of molten iron per hour.
At Rademakers Foundry, delivering quality products is paramount. We are ISO-9001:2008 certified and are currently working to achieve the ISO-9001:2015 and the ISO-14001:2015 certificate. We pay close attention to continuously improving and stabilising our business processes.
2RG BV – Rademakers Gieterij
Langestraat 12, 7891 GA Klazienaveen
Postbus 2, 7890 AA Klazienaveen
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 591 547 000